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来源:数字化用户 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-08-17
摘要:[23]LEVINE B,FABI D,DEIRMENGIAN templating in primary total hip and knee ;33(11):797. [24]SCHOTANUS MGM,SCHOENMAKERS DAL,SOLLIE R,et instruments for total knee arthroplasty can accurately predict the

[23]LEVINE B,FABI D,DEIRMENGIAN templating in primary total hip and knee ;33(11):797.

[24]SCHOTANUS MGM,SCHOENMAKERS DAL,SOLLIE R,et instruments for total knee arthroplasty can accurately predict the component size as used Surg Sports Traumatol ;25(12):3844-3848.








[32]ZHANG Y,WANG J,XIAO J,et and comparison of tibial posterior slope angle in different methods based on three-dimensional ;21(3):694-698.



方法:选择2016年3月至2018年3月南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院收治的重度膝关节骨关节炎患者,随机分 2组,试验组(n=32)术前通过医学影像信息系统进行截骨规划,然后植入人工膝关节假体;对照组(n=32)术中依据X射线片进行截骨,然后植入人工膝关节假体,术中测试两组髌骨活动轨迹。术后复查膝关节正侧位和下肢全长 X射线片,通过数字影像系统测量胫骨假体后倾角度和膝关节内(外)翻角度,评估下肢力线恢复情况;术后1,3,12个月进行患侧膝关节HSS评分,评估关节功能恢复情况。试验获得南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院伦理委员会批准。


BACKGROUND:In clinical application,Picture Archiving and Communication System gradually replaces the traditional preoperative planning mode of acetate template measurement on film,which can accurately obtain the parameters needed in the operation of total knee arthroplasty.

OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the usage of Picture Archiving and Communication System in planning and assessment pre- and post-operatively in total knee arthroplasty.

METHODS:Severe knee osteoarthritis patients who undertook total knee arthroplasty in Wuxi People’s Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University from March 2016 to March 2018 were included in the patients were randomly divided into two the trial group(n=32),osteotomy was performed by Picture Archiving and Communication System,and then patients were implanted with knee the control group (n=32),the osteotomy was performed according to the X-ray film,and then the artificial knee joint prosthesis was trajectory of the tibia was tested during the and lateral X-ray films of the knee and the whole length films of the lower limbs were reexamined plateau inclination angle and valgus or varus angle were measured through Picture Archiving and Communication of lower limb alignment was for special surgery knee score on the affected side was analyzed to evaluate the recovery of joint function at postoperative 1,3 and 12 study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Wuxi People’s Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) The satisfaction rate of lower limb alignment and the excellent and good rate of patellar movement trajectory were higher in the trial group than in the control group (100%,91%;100%,94%,P<0.05).There was no significant difference between the two groups in the satisfaction rate of osteotomy (P>0.05).(2) Hospital for special surgery knee score was higher in the trial group than in the control group at postoperative 1 and 3 months [(80.),(74.),P<0.05;(89.),(82.),P<0.05].There was no significant difference in the score at postoperative 12 months (P>0.05).(3) No complications or adverse reactions related to implant occurred after operation.(4) Results indicated that personal osteotomy data can be obtained through Picture Archiving and Communication System in the total knee arthroplasty so as to improve the accuracy of osteotomy,better correct the lower limb alignment,obtain excellent patellar trajectory,and obtain better early curative effect of follow-up results within 1 year were long-term effect remains to be further observed.

文章来源:《数字化用户》 网址: http://www.szhyhbjb.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0817/570.html


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